Southern Housing has been awarded over £176,000 in the Government’s latest Heat Network Efficiency Scheme (HNES) funding round, enabling us to upgrade the heat network at Dagenham Heathway and Church Elm Lane in Dagenham, Essex.
A reliable heating and hot water supply is so important for residents and this funding will allow us to improve the reliability and efficiency of the heat networks that serves this scheme.
Additional insulation, new heat interface units and other improvements will be installed using funding from HNES.
As a result, upgraded networks will use less energy and reduce residents’ bills. They’ll also experience less breakdowns and improve the building’s carbon footprint.
Greg Falder, Heat Network Manager at Southern Housing said: “We applied for this grant because it provided an excellent opportunity to develop a case study and model for optimising all the heat networks in our portfolio, this will benefit residents by cutting energy costs and help the organisation achieve net zero.”
The project is on track, with preparation underway and works due for completion by March 2024.

The Heat Network Efficiency Scheme (HNES), which opened in February this year, forms an important part of the government’s support for heat networks. It aims to improve the performance of existing district and communal heat networks, with a focus on areas where residents are experiencing inadequate supplies.
Gemserv announced the latest funding allocations on 26 September, confirming that £13.9 million of capital and revenue grant funding had been awarded to local authorities, housing associations and private sector applicants, to improve the efficiency of existing district and communal heat networks.