Couple Bills 2

Budget planning

When costs rise, it can be very difficult to make ends meet. There is help for you.

Our teams are on hand to discuss budgeting with you.

  • If you're a resident living in a home that was managed by Optivo, you can use our Money Planner. This is an online questionnaire about your current situation and your budget. You don't need to give us exact figures, just fill in what you know. Our Money Planner can be accessed through our online service MyAccount - register and login to get started.

    If you'd like to speak to us please get in touch and ask to speak to our Financial Inclusion team.

  • If you're a resident living in a home that was managed by Southern Housing Group (SHG) please get in touch and ask to speak to our Financial Inclusion team.

Get in touch

Children count money

The Money Mentoring and Wellbeing Project

The Money and Wellbeing Project helps residents to deal with their money worries and improve their health. Residents can access 1-2-1 sessions and group activities covering a wide range of topics.

Find out more
Resident Couple On Computer

Get the support you need

We can help you to find out what financial support is available for you and your family.

Southern Housing residents have FREE access to the Lightning Reach portal.

This service can assist you in finding and applying to charities and local authorities for financial support.

The Lightning Reach portal also includes a benefit calculator to make sure your income is maximised. It can also help you get the benefit payments you are entitled to based on your circumstances.

Sign up for free

Young Woman On Phone

Take control of your money

If you want to get out of debt, set up a budget, or save for a home, nudge can help.

The app has has advice and budgeting tools. It can also send you a message whenever you might need to do something with your money.

Read more

Pensioner Paperwork


You will be invited to apply for your State Pension up to four months before you reach State Retirement Age.

Your State Pension will not automatically be put in payment when you retire. Please make sure you act on your invite. 

Find out more

Pension Credit gives you extra money to help with your living costs. This applies if you’re over the State Pension age. Your weekly income must also be less than £201.05 per week for a single person or £306.85 for a couple. To find out more about Pension Credit or if your eligible, visit the GOV.UK website.

Mum Family Piggy Bank

Helpful resources:

Adobestock 371558254

Beware of scams and loan sharks

The cost-of-living crisis is making it harder financially, putting more people under pressure.

In fact, 71% now have less disposable income compared to an average month before the crisis. There are scammers and loan sharks out there looking to make it even harder.

Read our guidance here

You can get confidential help and advice from the Stop Loan Sharks campaign by calling 0300 555 2222, or emailing

To find out more about loan sharks or make an anonymous report online, visit the Stop Loan Sharks website.

We are proud to be a member of the Money Advice Liaison Group.