Some of your moving options include:

If you’re an existing social housing resident and interested in moving home, a great option to consider is a mutual exchange.

More about Mutual exchange

You can register with a local authority if you have a priority need to move.

Once you’ve registered with a borough, you’ll be able to ‘bid’ on the homes you’re eligible for. Some boroughs may offer a waiting list rather than a bidding system.

Find your local council

Please contact us for more information.

Contact us

Shared Ownership is a great way to get on the housing ladder. It makes things a lot more affordable as it means you don't need such a big deposit.

Find out more about Shared Ownership here


Alternatively, as a Southern Housing resident it may be possible to buy the home that you rent from us.

There are a number of schemes that allow you to do this and the eligibility criteria for each is different.

Find out more about these schemes.

You are free to rent privately from a landlord. Your local estate agents will be able to discuss available homes with you.

Our care and support services are designed to help older residents live independently, in a community where they can thrive.

More about our Care and Independent Living services

In limited circumstances, we may be able to offer a management move to one of our empty homes.*

These moves are approved by a panel in high priority circumstances, including:

  • Domestic abuse
  • Witness protection
  • Anti-social behaviour / severe harassment
  • Significant personal tragedy where it is unreasonable for the household to remain in the home
  • Rehoused to release a property which we considered rare or special e.g. adapted unit, supported unit
  • Medical needs (including mental health) that make the home inaccessible and useable.

If any of the above applies to you, please contact us.

*Please note this only applies residents in our general needs rented, Independent Living, and Sheltered properties.



  • We’ll do an initial assessment of your situation over the phone
  • We’ll contact you within five working days to discuss your situation. If we’re satisfied you meet the criteria, we’ll either send you an application form or we’ll complete it with you over the phone. We’ll ask you to provide supporting documents to evidence your need for a management move.
  • Within 20 working days of us receiving all the supporting documents, we’ll let you know if we’ve approved your application
  • If approved, we’ll let you know if a suitable home becomes available and make you one reasonable offer only. We only usually have vacant properties when our residents choose to leave. Due to this we’re unable to give you a timeframe. In the meantime, we’ll contact you at least every two months to check in and confirm your current circumstances.
  • We’ll ask you to keep in touch with us and let us know if you’ve moved into temporary accommodation or if your circumstances change.


You can ask for a review if you wish to appeal our decision to:

  • Decline your request for a management move
  • Remove you from the waiting list.

You must appeal in writing within 10 working days of receiving our original decision.

We’ll tell you the outcome of your appeal within 10 working days of your request.

Contact us

Further information about our housing options is available in the following documents:


Ending your tenancy

We know that moving home can be a stressful and busy time and we want to do all we can to make the process straight forward.

We provide you with all you need to know about ending your tenancy and if you have any further questions please get in touch.

Ending your tenancy


Need help?

If you need help applying for any housing options scheme we can do the following for you: