We're committed to transparency. Expand the boxes below to read our transparency statement. This statement outlines why we think it's important to be transparent, what this means for you in practise and provides details on how you can request information from us.
We aim to be open and transparent with residents, stakeholders and service users.
Our guiding principles, we will:
- • Make information easy to find
- • Provide timely, accurate information that meets the needs of customers and other interested parties
- • Offer information in alternative formats such as large print or signpost to other options through our website
- • Respond to requests for information in a cost effective and proportionate way
- • Always aim to meet our regulatory and legal responsibilities when providing information.
- • Actively encourage our colleagues or anyone associated with Southern Housing to raise their concerns.
Southern Housing is not classed as a public authority for the purposes of the Freedom of Information Act and therefore not required to respond to these types of requests.
We provide information in a variety of ways to meet the needs of our customers, stakeholders and service users. Information is available on our website and social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter. We also provide some printed documents. You'll find links to more information below.
• We’ll provide information that is routinely published
• We’ll provide an individual’s personal information when we hold this data.
Sometimes we’re unable to provide information. For instance:
• It would involve disclosing someone else’s personal information
• Information is confidential or commercially sensitive
• Technical reports from third parties that assist our decision making
• The information is draft and not finalised
• Disclosure is prevented by law
• Information that could prejudice any claim or legal action
• Historical information that is not relevant
• Information isn’t readily available or would be too costly in our opinion to provide.
Our aim is to respond to requests for information within 20 days. If we’re unable to provide the information requested then we’ll explain why.
For further information on access to personal data, you need to make a subject access request (SAR). Please contact us and ask for a SAR form. Read our Privacy webpage for more information about how to request the form.
Learn moreAs a social housing landlord, we must deliver services in line with the regulatory standards set out by the Regulator of Social Housing.
Further information

Tenant Satisfaction Measures
In April 2023 the housing regulator introduced a new set of Tenant Satisfaction Measures, referred to as the TSMs.
Over the last year we’ve busy surveying Southern Housing residents and homeowners to find out what they think about the services we provide - from repairs to safety, neighbourhood management, complaints and more.
Read more about this project
Your rights as a resident
We must meet certain laws and regulations which are designed to keep you safe and happy in your home.
Read more