The Regulator carries out programmed inspections of all large landlords. After each inspection they publish a summary of their findings and their regulatory judgement.
Consumer standards
- Neighbourhood and Community Standard
- Safety and Quality Standard
- Tenancy Standard
- Transparency, Influence and Accountability (including Tenant Satisfaction Measures)
- Consumer standards Code of Practice
As our Chief Operating Officer, Jane Porter is responsible for ensuring we’re compliant with the consumer standards (excluding quality and safety standards). Dr Karin Stockerl, our Executive Director of Assets and Sustainability, has corporate responsibility for our compliance with the quality and safety consumer standards.
Economic standards
- Governance and Financial Viability Standard and Code of Practice
- Rent Standard and Guidance
- Value for Money Standard and Code of Practice
Our Chief Financial Officer, Sarah Smith, is responsible for ensuring we’re compliant with the Economic standards.
More information about the regulatory standards can be found here on the website.

Providing safe, secure and affordable homes
We understand the difference safe, secure and affordable homes can make to people’s lives.
Our Empty Homes Standard outlines how your new home will be clean, safe, secure and in good repair ready for you to move in.
As a resident living in a social rented home, your home must also meet the current minimum standard for housing as outlined in the Government's Decent Homes Standard.
You can find out more about both Standards below.
Read about the Decent Homes StandardRead about our Empty Homes Standard
Our commitment to transparency
Our transparency statement outlines why we think it's important to be transparent, what this means for you in practise and provides details on how you can request information from us.
We also provide access to information required as part of our commitment to delivering services in line with the regulatory standards.
Read our transparency statement