How are we performing?

The figures below summarise how we're performing the key tasks and services for those living in our homes. These figures cover Q2 (three month period up to the end of September 2024) unless specified otherwise.


Time to complete a repair (average)

19.54 days


Reports of anti-social behaviour

18.6 cases per 1,000 homes


Time to answer calls (average)

337 seconds


Calls answered


Complaints 2024

Complaints received

92 complaints per 1,000 homes (figure covering 12 month period ending September 2024)


Homes with Gas Safety Record



Homes currently empty

0.58% of all homes available to let are empty 


New residents

566 lettings completed 


Rent arrears


RI Annual Report

How we’re improving services

We know some of our services aren’t yet reaching the levels we’d like, or residents expect. We’re making progress and working closely with residents to ensure we’re continually focused on what matters most to you.

Read about improvements we’re making to our servicesShare feedback about our services or get involved
TSM Webheader

Tenant Satisfaction Measures

In April 2023 the housing regulator introduced a new set of Tenant Satisfaction Measures, referred to as the TSMs.

Over the last year we’ve busy surveying Southern Housing residents and homeowners to find out what they think about the services we provide - from repairs to safety, neighbourhood management, complaints and more.

More information