This week (22 – 26 April) marks National Stalking Awareness Week, a campaign run by the Suzy Lamplugh Trust to raise awareness of the issue of stalking and the importance of personal safety. Can you recognise stalking behaviours? Would you know how to get help if you were being stalked?

Stalking is not flattering or romantic. Stalking is a crime.

Is it stalking? Think four!

  • Fixated
  • Obsessive
  • Unwanted
  • Repeated

Stalking causes fear of violence or triggers alarm or distress in the victim. It can look like;

  • Unwanted communication, for example engaging with your social media in a way that makes you uncomfortable
  • Comments or threats, in person or online
  • Showing up at places you frequent, or hanging around outside your home
  • Repeatedly sending unwanted gifts
  • Damaging property
  • Physical or sexual assault

How to respond if you’re being stalked;

  • Identify stalking behaviours
  • Get support from those you trust
  • Stop all communication
  • Collect evidence and report it to the police
  • Keep yourself safe – reach out to organisations who can offer support
Stalker Awareness Week Full Width

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