Our planned works programme

Our Capital Investment Team is responsible dedicated to renewing and replacing different parts of your home, with the aim to keep you safe and secure, as well as enhancing your living experience. Upgrades include roofs, bathrooms, kitchens, doors, windows, cyclical decorations, and warden call door entry systems.

We know it can be stressful if your home is having major updates. So, we’ve a dedicated Resident Liaison and Clerk of Works Team to talk you through exactly what is happening and when, and to oversee quality control.

Over the course of 2024-25 we'll work on:

  • 1,618 kitchens
  • 1,356 bathrooms
  • 1,317 doors
  • 1,152 windows
  • 172 roof replacements
  • 8703 cyclical decorations
  • 88 whole block warden call and door entry systems.

How do I know if my home needs something renewed / replaced?

If your home is on this year's programme, we’ll be in touch during the course of the programme. Meanwhile, you can refer to the average timescales below, which is guided by five-yearly stock condition surveys, to understand when renewal might be necessary:


When will they be renewed?

Kitchen replacements

20 years

Bathroom replacements

30 years

Roof replacements

10 to 60 years

Window replacements

30 years

Front doors (non-fire safety)

30 years

Internal and external decorations

10 years

Warden-call and door entry systems in blocks

10-15 years

The home condition survey programme helps us understand the work required to maintain your home in the long term. It’ll also ensure we can include any work required, such as repairs, maintenance, and improvements, in our future plans.

Get in touch

If you haven't had a survey carried out in the past five years, or you want to know if your home is due a specific replacement, please contact the Home Survey Team. You can either call the team on 0207 017 8529 or email homeconditionsurveyteam@southernhousing.org.uk

Further information 

We're committed to improving energy efficiency in our homes through a dedicated 'retrofit' programme. Retrofitting simply means modifying your home after it's been built. 

Find out more