Here's some general guidance on things you can try to reduce energy usage in your home.

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  • Cooking can account for 20%+ of total energy use. Try to use alternatives to oven and hob cooking. A decent slow cooker costs just £15
  • Batch cooking can make a big impact without having to buy new appliances
  • You can use lower oven temps with glass and ceramic dishes because they retain more heat
  • Try to use Slow cookers, microwaves and air fryers to save energy when cooking.
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  • Turn down your thermostat. Every 1 degree down saves 7% on your total bill, £175 per year on average. Heat for less time and heat less rooms (e.g. by switching off the radiators in unused rooms) if you can
  • Use the thermostat and the radiator valves to control the temperate in each room. Try using a thermometer to check you’ve got the settings just right
  • You should aim for 18c in the living areas and 16c in the bedrooms. (Remember, below 16c in a room can pose a risk to health).
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  • Energy efficient appliances like fridges and TVs save a lot, but are a big outlay
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  • Saving water and saving energy go hand in hand – tap aerators and low flow shower heads are often free from your water company and will reduce hot water use.
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Adjust your boiler

  • Stored hot water should be set at 65C to prevent legionella
  • If you have a combi boiler at home - you don't have a hot water cylinder and there is a (usually white) plastic pipe under the boiler - you may wish to consider turning down the heating flow temperature.
  • On the front - sometimes behind a flap - look for a dial or set of buttons with a radiator icon. 
  • You may also want to turn off the hot water pre-heat. Many boilers come on every few hours - night and day - to ensure there's always some hot water available. Most homes don't need this, and turning it off saves money.