Once we’ve received your noise recordings, one of our trained teams (Customer Services, Housing or ASB) will be in touch with you to discuss your report and agree any steps moving forward.   

If you’re experiencing noise nuisance, you can also let your Environmental Health Team know through your Local Council.

How it works

When you register to The Noise App, you’ll be prompted to contact us to activate your account, you won’t have full functionality until this is done.

If we’ve asked you to submit recordings within an agreed timeframe and do not receive any evidence from you, we may be unable to investigate further. If this happens, we’ll let you know and deactivate your access, if you registered on The Noise App. You’ll need to restart the process with us to reinstate your access should the nuisance progress.  

First, you’ll need to download the app. 

As Southern Housing is a new housing association (formed following the merger of Optivo and Southern Housing Group), way you use the app will depend on who used to manage your home; either Optivo or Southern Housing Group.

If you know who used to manage your home the information you need is available from the appropriate website (links below).

  • You’ll need to select Optivo as your landlord.
  • For iPhone users go to the “App Store” and search for “The Noise App 2.0” and tap “Get” or “Install” or Enter download link
  • For Android users go to the “Play Store” and search “The Noise App 2.0 RHE” and choose “Install” or Enter download link.
  • You’ll need to select Southern Housing Group as your landlord.
  • For iPhone users go to the “App Store” and search for “The Noise App” and tap “Get” or “Install” or Enter download link
  • For Android users go to the “Play Store” and search “The Noise App RHE” and choose “Install” or Enter download link.

Useful links

For help with downloading or using The Noise App, here are some useful guides: