For services without staff on site overnight we provide an out-of-hours monitoring service

We can offer supported living to:

  • People with learning disabilities and autism
  • People who experience mental ill health
  • People fleeing domestic abuse.

We also work with other providers who deliver care and support in our schemes.

What are the benefits?

Supported living can help residents:

  • Move into their own, more independent, accommodation in the community
  • Learn independent living skills
  • Manage their rent and plan budgets
  • Plan menus and live healthily
  • Access training and education
  • Find and keep paid work
  • Deal with substance or alcohol misuse
  • Access the right financial support
  • Participate in leisure, cultural or faith activities.


How to apply

Access our Supported Living service through a social services or NHS referral. You can also request and fund a place independently.