Here are some examples of how we work with our partners and the difference this has made to our customers.

Muddy Boots

The Muddy Boots gardening project is a self-supporting, community-led initiative that benefits people living on the Isle of Wight who have learning difficulties and other support needs. We run the project in partnership with Quarr Abbey.

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Alzheimer’s Cafés

We are a proud supporter of Alzheimer’s Cafés across the Island. The cafés offer people with dementia, their families, carers and friends a space to meet and talk about all aspects of the disease, as well as offer people respite from caring for their loved ones. Through the cafés, we work with organisations such as Carers UK, the Alzheimer’s Society and local clinicians to provide advice and signposting for people affected by dementia.

Fair Haven Housing Trust

We have a longstanding partnership with Island-based Fair Haven Housing Trust, a parent-led voluntary charity that supports those with learning difficulties and autism.

Isle of Wight Council

We support our customers to partner with the Isle of Wight Council and local communities to develop a new strategy for people with learning disabilities. ‘Living Well with a Learning Disability on the Isle of Wight’ focuses on three key themes chosen by those with learning disabilities: living my life, keeping safe, and staying healthy.

The Isle of Wight Foodbank

The foodbank is part of the Trussell Trust’s network working to tackle food poverty and hunger in our local communities, as well as across the UK.