Our Resident Involvement Team and housing officers have been supporting residents at The Blatchen in Littlehampton to make improvements to their estate and boost community spirit.
The project started with a skip day earlier this year, as residents had requested support with disposing of large rubbish items. Our contractor, Axis, kindly provided two skips free of charge, as part of their commitment to social impact, and residents were able to clear their bulky waste, as well as items that had been dumped.
The teams also door knocked around the estate, to speak to residents and find out what changes they’d like to see. In addition to more greenery, it was clear residents would like to see a focus on community activities. We’ve made a start on this, with residents enjoying a family event over the Easter holidays.
With lots of ideas in the pipeline, a group of residents are working on a funding application to our Social Impact Team to support their plans.